Browse by UiTM Campuses
-, Kosmo
Perak jadi tarikan, rekod pelaburan RM7.1 bilion.
Type: Newspaper (Kosmo)
Abdul Rahim, Aini Hayati
Mitos kerosakan gigi.
Type: Newspaper (Sinar Harian)
Adnan, Isqandar
Proses pesakit ‘ditidurkan’.
Type: Newspaper (Berita Harian)
Arbee, Awaina
Talk on mental health.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Carvalho, Martin
UITM has two months to answer.
Type: Newspaper (The Star)
Carvalho, Martin
UITM has two months to answer.
Type: Newspaper (The Star)
Chan, Jade
Selangor aims to reach Rm50bil in investments this year, which is Rm5 bil more than 2023.
Type: Newspaper (The Star)
Chin, Heo Chong,
Studying penguins towards understanding sustainability on earth.
Type: Newspaper (The Star)
Hashim, Nurul Azreen
Stres melampau punca dera anak.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)
Hassan, Eddy Hasrul
Type: Newspaper (Bernama)
Idris, Abdul Razak
Warga UCS gotong-royong hapus aedes sempena merdeka.
Type: Newspaper (Kosmo)
Ilias, Kartini
Autism didakwa: Adil atau selayaknya?
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Carbo-load before a race.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Exercise care and caution.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Exercise for good health.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Exercise to control cholesterol level.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Exercise to prevent and treat ED.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
For a safe climb.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
HEAL WITH EXERCISE: Cooling off during a race.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
HEAL WITH EXERCISE: Let the body repair itself.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
HEAL WITH EXERCISE: Pain is a symptom of a disease.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
HEAL WITH EXERCISE: Ways to boost endurance.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Heal With Exercise: Exercise for cancer survivors.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Heal with exercise: Increase fitness with walking.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Heal with exercise: Make urban living work for your health.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
How exercise prevents cancer.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Increase fitness with walking.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Monitoring heart rate.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
More life years gained by being active.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Physical inactivity will kill you.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Preventing exercise injury.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Senaman secara tetap hindari barah.
Type: Newspaper (Berita Harian)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
Staying active during Ramadan.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Jamil, Ahmad Taufik
The right way to stretch.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Kanoo, Lina Loshini
Family Medicine Specialists Call for Timely Health Screening.
Type: Newspaper (The Independent)
M. Khairul, Arnaz
UiTM campuses to go cashless with Boost app.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Malaysia, Utusan
Kenali dan gali potensi anak sindrom down.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)
Mohamad Idris, Mohamad Naufal
McDonald’s Malaysia kekal harga walau kos naik 10 peratus.
Type: Newspaper (Kosmo)
Mohamad Idris, Mohamad Naufal
McDonald’s Malaysia siasat kes caj sos cili peket RM10.60.
Type: Newspaper (Kosmo)
Mohd Abdullah, Azlindarita @ Aisyah
Ketagihan kronik kanak-kanak terhadap gajet : separuh populasi dunia rabun 2050.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)
Mohd Nor@Ghazali, Fadzilah
Antidote for antimicrobial resistance during Covid-19 pandemic.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Mohd Yunus, Raudah and A Rashid, Nurul Syaireen and Chen, Xin Wee,
Dementia caregivers are hidden patients.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Mohd Yunus, Raudah and A Rashid, Nurul Syaireen and Chen, Xin Wee,
Sokongan terhadap pesakit demensia, penjaga sama penting.
Type: Newspaper (Berita Harian)
Mohd Yusof, Mohd Yusmiaidil Putera
Dron infra merah bantu selamat mangsa bencana.
Type: Newspaper (Berita Harian)
Omar, Siti Aminah
Ketagihan internet, gajet cenderung bunuh diri?
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)
Ramli, Anis Safura
HEALTHCARE: Compulsory training to safeguard profession.
Type: Newspaper (New Straits Times)
Shuid, Ahmad Nazrun
Oh! Ubat gastrik.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)
Sikkandar, Mohamed Faizal
Sindrom terowong carpal.
Type: Newspaper (Berita Harian)
Star, The
Anwar commends UiTM for role in empowering Malay, bumiputra communities.
Type: Newspaper (The Star)
Star, The
Govt will not arbitrarily impose progressive wage policy — Rafizi.
Type: Newspaper (The Star)
Suddin, Leny Suzana
Karnival Kesihatan Orang Asli Gombak – Khidmat Komuniti Pelajar Perubatan UiTM.
Type: Newspaper (UiTM News Hub)
Suddin, Leny Suzana
Program "Back to School" bersama Pelajar Asnaf oleh Persatuan Mahasiswa Harmoni, Fakulti Perubatan UiTM.
Type: Newspaper (UiTM News Hub)
Yunus, Arfa
Clearing the air on parallel pathway, UITM issues.
Type: Newspaper (The Star)
Zahra, Nur Fatin
Universiti tidak sekat pelajar gagal bayar yuran pengajian.
Type: Newspaper (Kosmo)