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Number of items: 20.


Abdul Rahman, Saiful (1996) 'Kilang' kelas pertama bumiputera.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)


Express, Daily (1996) 3,800 graduan ITM akan terima sijil, diploma.
Type: Newspaper (Daily Express)

Express, Daily (1996) Diploma ITM kini setaraf dengan ijazah.
Type: Newspaper (Daily Express)

Express, Daily (1996) ITM ; Dari pengendali kursus sabut kelapa ke institusi pengajian yang cemerlang.
Type: Newspaper (Daily Express)

Express, Daily (1996) ITM perluas program untuk golongan pekerja.
Type: Newspaper (Daily Express)

Express, Daily (1996) ITM, KGKS tubuh kampus pengajian luar di Tawau.
Type: Newspaper (Daily Express)


Ibrahim, Nor Azmah (1996) Konvokesyen ITM catat sejarah.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)


Malaysia, Utusan (1996) Bergolok bergadai menghadiri konvo.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)

Malaysia, Utusan (1996) ITM, KGKS tandatangan MOU.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)

Malaysia, Utusan (1996) Puisi panjang; Syabas warga ITM Melaka.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)

Malaysia, Utusan (1996) Sumbangan alumni ITM.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)


Post, The Borneo (1996) 11,500 pelajar baru ITM daftar Isnin ini.
Type: Newspaper (The Borneo Post)

Post, The Borneo (1996) ITM akan bantu negara membangun.
Type: Newspaper (The Borneo Post)

Post, The Borneo (1996) ITM wujud tiga kajian berasingan.
Type: Newspaper (The Borneo Post)

Post, The Borneo (1996) Pindaan Akta ITM dibentang.
Type: Newspaper (The Borneo Post)


Star, The (1996) Najib: ITM to offer its expertise.
Type: Newspaper (The Star)

Star, The (1996) Time not right to open ITM's doors to all, says Najib.
Type: Newspaper (The Star)


Yahaya, Zalina (1996) ITM tidak bercadang wajibkan ujian darah.
Type: Newspaper (Utusan Malaysia)

Yusof, Mohd Nasir (1996) ITM institusi pengajian cemerlang.
Type: Newspaper (The Borneo Post)

Yusof, Nasir (1996) ITM perluas program pengajaran golongan pekerja.
Type: Newspaper (The Borneo Post)

This list was generated on Sun Dec 22 21:58:18 2024 +08.