Browse by Subject
Please select a value to browse from the list below.
- PTAR Taxonomy (5412)
- 200 Religion (363)
- 300 Social sciences (3710)
- 302 Social interaction (160)
- 305 Social groups (130)
- 330 Economics (477)
- 331 Labor economics (63)
- 332 Financial economics (187)
- 340 Law (159)
- 341 Law of nations (44)
- 345 Criminal law (16)
- 346 Private law (1)
- 360 Social problems & services; associations (300)
- 364 Criminology (30)
- 370 Education (1618)
- Adult education (21)
- Awards (139)
- Elementary education (27)
- Higher education (1010)
- Secondary education (11)
- Study and teaching (126)
- 400 Language (63)
- 500 Science (102)
- 530 Physics (4)
- 540 Chemistry (20)
- 580 Plants (22)
- 600 Technology (916)
- 610 Medicine & health (289)
- 612 Human physiology (12)
- 616 Diseases (84)
- 670 Manufacturing (18)
- 677 Textiles (1)
- 610 Medicine & health (289)
- 700 Arts & recreation (418)
- 711 Area planning (12)
- 800 Literature (37)
- 900 History & geography (109)
- 910 Geography & travel (43)
- Tourism (31)
- 910 Geography & travel (43)
- Corporate Governance (113)
- Entrepreneurship (65)
- Halal Management (13)
- Special Collections (83)
- UiTM Campuses (64)
- Melaka (6)
- Perak (5)
- Sabah (32)
- Sarawak (21)
- UiTM Campuses (64)