The King's institution is strong in protecting the people


Unlike many other countries that have immigrant cultures such as theUnited States, Malaysia is endowed with a continuation of the royalsystem that gives the written and implied meaning of the Constitution-based administration system and its principles.

Of the 43 countries that still have the King as head of state, whether through absolute or constitutional monarchy practice, Malaysia along with other countries such as Bhutan, Thailand, Brunei, Japan and the United Arab Emirates, have experienced various currents and waves of civilization
and civilization.

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Item Type: Newspaper
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 320 Political science
Campuses: Shah Alam
Divisions: Faculties > Administrative Science and Policy Studies
Newspaper: Berita Harian
Date: 1 February 2019
Depositing User: Naziraqh Azizan (Bertam)
Languages: Malay
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